Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 2: Organization

Tuesday, 9/27/11

Today we went through each students classes and looked at necessary materials.

Using the school website and the SMART Board, we compiled one encompassing list including every item every student needs every day.  These items are:
1.      Binder
2.      2 pencils
3.      Paper
4.      Planner
5.      Notebooks
6.      Erasers
7.      Pens
8.      Highlighters
9.      Tabs
10.  Hall pass
11.  Backpack
12.  Colored pencils/Markers
13.  Homework
14.  Grade journal
As partners, we looked through each other's binders to make sure we were all prepared.  After a lot of recycling, hole-punching, and refiling, each student wrote in his/her planner what that student needed to bring in to have a complete set of materials.  Great start to getting organized.

Wednesday, 9/28/11

Today we had our second binder check.  We agreed that this would be how each class will start, so that the students are ready for the day.

After that we used the netbooks.  The students went through their teachers' websites to see how much of tonight's homework they could have in their planners before they even saw their teachers.  We looked at the different ways teachers format their homework assignments and where to look if we can't find them.

We discussed the alternatives if the homework isn't on the webpage.  Some ideas students had were:
1.  Phone a classmate
2.  Email the teacher
3.  Ask for help from someone at home in navigating the teacher's webpage.

Thursday, 9/29/11

Since we had several new members join us, today was a team building day.  In order for students to work on their challenges, they must know and trust each other.

As I played music, the students walked around the room.  When the music stopped, I shouted out a number.  The students got into groups of that number.  I would then ask a question, and they answered it to each other.  They concluded each round with some kind of affirming gesture.  There were 5 rounds.  They were:

1.  What was your biggest success in school this week? (high five)
2.  What is one challenge you'd like to focus on in school? (fist bump)
3.  What is one thing you're looking forward to this weekend? (pat on the back)
4.  Why are you in RISE? (hand shake and say, "Good work.")
5.  Who is responsible for your success? (applause)

We concluded by reminding students that they need to come in ready to share one success when we reconvene on Tuesday.

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